Hemp 101

A beginner's guide to hemp.

What Is Hemp ?

One of the first crops that man ever farmed was hemp. For thousands of years, it has been used to make paper, textiles, and cordage. In fact, according to the Columbia History of the World, a fragment of hemp cloth from around 8,000 BC is the first evidence of human manufacturing. Hemp, also known as industrial hemp, refers to varieties of Cannabis sativa L., that contain less than 0.3% of the phytocannabinoid known as THC. 
Does hemp make you 'high'
No, It contains less than 0.3% THC. The negligible amount of THC in hemp means you can’t get high from it
How is hemp different from marijuana ?
Both hemp and marijuana are groupings within the plant species Cannabis sativa that have been produced through selective breeding. Marijuana has been bred to promote the production of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an intoxicating cannabinoid compound. Hemp has traditionally been bred for fiber and grain (seeds).

Uses Of Hemp

Over 25,000 different products can be made from hemp, making it one of the most useful crops in the world. Hemp could therefore find a suitable use in almost every area of life - even in art!  
Hemp use

Hemp Stalk

The hemp stalk is considered as a byproduct of industrial hemp bast fiber production and its volume is two times higher than hemp bast fiber. Thus the utilization of hemp stalk is very important to promote the industrial hemp plantation.

Bast Fibres

  • clothing
  • home furnishings and carpeting
  • canvas, ropes, and netting
  • Industrial Products
  • hemp plastics
  • automotive and machine bodies
  • geotextiles and non-wovens
  • Hurd

    Building Materials
  • hempcrete
  • insulation
  • fiberboard
  • Industrial Products
  • mulch and animal bedding
  • chemical absorbent
  • paper and packaging
  • Stalk

    The entire hemp stalk can be fermented to produce both ethanol and methanol as an environmentally friendly fuel source.

    Hemp Seed

    Despite coming from the Cannabis sativa plant, hemp seeds have no psychoactive properties. These tiny, brown seeds are a great source of protein, fibre, and good fats like omega-3s and omega-6s. They have anti-oxidant properties and may lessen the signs and symptoms of many diseases, enhancing the condition of the heart, skin, and joints.

    Protect the brain

    Hemp seed oil is rich in Omega 3-6-9 in an ideal ratio and is often referred to as "nature's most perfect oil." Hemp seed oil is a plant-based, sustainable alternative to fish oil as a source for Omegas.

    Incredibly Nutritious

    Hemp seeds are a complete protein! This means they contain all nine essential amino acids that your body needs, but can't produce on its own.

    Aid Digestion

    With 20% and 80%, respectively, of soluble and insoluble fibre, whole hemp seeds are a rich source of both. In your intestines, soluble fibre congeals into something resembling gel. It's an important source of nutrients for healthy intestinal flora and may also control cholesterol levels and blood sugar increases.
    One plant, hundreds solution.
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