Cannabis 101

A beginner's guide to cannabis.

History Of Cannabis

Cannabis has a long and interesting past while was first used in western China or central Asia. For thousands of years, people have utilised cannabis for its potential medicinal benefits. Its use was first recorded in 2800 BC when it was included in the pharmacopoeia of Emperor Shen Nung, founder of Chinese medicine.

Cannabis Definition

Cannabis refers to a group of four plants with psychoactive properties, known as Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Hybrid. When the flowers of these plants are harvested and dried, you’re left with one of the most common drugs in the world. Some call it weed, some call it pot, and others call it marijuana.
Cannabis sativa
Most commonly occurring subspecies in the West. It is a tall thin-leaved plant, which flowers under certain light conditions. Flowering is initiated when darkness exceeds 11 h per day. It can grow to 5–18 feet or more, and often has a few branches.
Cannabis indica
More broad-leaved than C. sativa. It is most commonly shorter and has more leaves and buds, giving it a more bushy appearance. The buds tend to be wider. It typically grows 2–4 feet tall, and is compactly branched.
Varieties that contain similar levels of indica and sativa. These “best of both worlds” strains offer a balance between the benefits of both types. Hybrid strains typically develop phenotypes that are either sativa-dominant, indica-dominant, or evenly balanced.

Cannabis Components

There are more than 120 cannabinoids—components of cannabis—in all. Each cannabinoid's function is yet unknown to experts, although two of them, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol, are quite well understood (THC).


This is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. THC is responsible for the “high” that most people associate with cannabis.


This is a psychoactive cannabinoid, yet it’s non-intoxicating and non-euphoric, meaning it won’t get you “high.” It’s often used to help reduce inflammation and pain. It may also ease nausea, migraine, seizures, and anxiety.

Benefits Of Cannabis

Cannabis contains THC, which has painkilling qualities, as well as CBD, a molecule that influences the brain and improves its function without making it feel high. Short path distillation can be used to extract and refine both chemicals for application.
Lowering blood pressure
In a 2017 JCI Insight study, participants' blood pressure was found to be reduced by CBD. It decreased their blood pressure both at rest and after stressful exercises including mental arithmetic, isometric training, and the cold pressor test.
Reducing inflammation
According to a study by the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, CBD has been shown to assist in reducing inflammation and the potential neuropathic pain it can produce.
Preventing relapse
According to a 2018 study, CBD can be helpful for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. CBD decreased the stress-related cravings, anxiety, and lack of impulse control that frequently lead to relapse, according to a preclinical trial with lab rats.
Treating anxiety disorders
The most frequent condition for which people use CBD is anxiety, and a preclinical study revealed that it may be helpful in treating various anxiety disorders, including generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Treating gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
According to a new study, GI diseases like IBS, IBD, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and others can be effectively prevented and treated with CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD are essential for treating and avoiding symptoms.
Preventing seizures
The use of CBD to treat epilepsy and other seizure syndromes has been studied for many years, and a recent study found that it can be effective in symptom reduction and seizure frequency reduction.
Fighting cancer
In addition to being used to lessen the side effects of chemotherapy, studies have shown that CBD has a number of anti-cancer properties that can help prevent a wide range of cancers, treat tumours, and strengthen the immune system. It has also been shown to stop cell growth and induce cell death in cervical cancer cell lines.
One plant, hundreds solution.
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